Women in Mining: WIM USA, MSHA sign alliance agreement: North American Mining, July, 2023.

Women in Mining National (WIM USA) inked a historic agreement with the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration that both believe will change the face of mining by boosting mining safety and diversity.

The pact, confirmed March 31, will provide WIM USA members, as well as the Education Foundation of WIM USA (WIMEF), with access to information, technical assistance, guidance and training resources for the promotion of diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace practices. It will also aid in the critical factor of protecting miners’ safety and health.

A signing ceremony was attended by WIM USA President Ashley Chancellor and Vice President Julia Potter alongside MSHA Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations Patricia Silvey and Assistant Secretary Christopher Williamson.

Click here to read the full article from North American Mining, July, 2023.