Today’s Quote
"It takes two to speak the truth, -- one to speak, and another to hear." - Henry David Thoreau
"It takes two to speak the truth, -- one to speak, and another to hear." - Henry David Thoreau
"Retention is best when the learner is involved." - Edward Scannell, director, University Conference Bureau, Arizona
"The author himself is the best judge of his own performance; none has so deeply meditated on the subject; none is so sincerely interested in the event."- Edward Gibbon, Memoirs
"It's all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you're properly trained." - Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
"The only kind of learning which significantly influences behavior is self-discovered or self-appropriated learning - truth that has been assimilated in experience." - Carl Rogers
"Learning is not a spectator sport." - D. Blocher
"You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself."- Galileo Galilei
Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Gandhi
"Healthy responsibility is defined as taking 100 percent responsibility for yourself while inspiring others to take 100 percent responsibility." Gay Hendricks
The Courage of Integrity (anonymous source) "The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity. Choosing right over wrong, ethics over convenience, and truth over