While Western Nations Kill Energy, China Builds Coal Plants By The Dozen
It only took 19 days for new Chinese coal plants to eclipse the reduction in emissions made by the closure of the Navajo plant in the U.S.

By Chuck DeVore
OCTOBER 18, 2021

The United Nations Climate Change Conference is due to start on Oct. 31 in Glasgow, Scotland — a city built by the coal and steel industries.

Alok Sharma, the president-designate for the conference, was in Paris last Tuesday solemnly declaring that “Responsibility rests with each and every country … because on climate, the world will succeed, or fail as one.” Continuing the theme, one of the conference logos observes “The Climate Has No Borders” — which is great, so far as it goes, but someone forgot to tell China. Click here to download the article and read more.

Thanks for the share, KE!