Are Your Workers Flying High? OH&S- Free Webinar 

Click here for more information and to register for this free webinar from OH&S- December 6, 2023.

Protecting Workers and Companies from Impairment Due to Cannabis and Other Causes.

With the legalization of medicinal or recreational cannabis, now in 38 states and counting, the fitness for duty of workers on the job is in serious question. This has precipitated a need to review shortcomings in traditional drug and alcohol testing and it has brought a reconsideration of fitness for duty in general, apart from drug use. What’s now needed is a holistic approach to detecting any kind of impairment, regardless of cause.

This webinar examines what impairment detection technology is and how it can increase safety, reduce injuries and accidents, reduce associate costs (which can, of course, be catastrophic), and increase worker wellness and productivity. In particular, the webinar focuses on the neuroscience utilized in the impairment detection technology of one such test, the Druid Fitness-for-Duty app.