Stretching and Flexing Toward Safety: Metal Construction News

For all construction companies, safety for the workers comes first, and at a time when finding skilled workers is becoming more difficult, any injury has an adverse effect beyond just the health of the worker. Many safety programs have been developed to protect employees from hazards on the job site, but only recently have experts promoted how important it is for workers to be properly stretched out prior to starting each workday.

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders, or WMSDs, are injuries to the muscles, tendons, nerves and joints, which can occur or be aggravated on the job. Commonly called sprains and strains, WMSDs can occur to a person’s back, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist or leg, and can arise from heavy lifting, awkward postures or repetitive motions. They can occur suddenly from a one-time incident such as a slip, trip or fall, and can develop by doing the same activity over long periods of time.

It is essential for employers to create a safe and healthy environment for its employees, while making sure no one gets hurt on the job site. A stretch and flex program is critical to reduce the risk of injuries and increase productivity.

Click here to read this important health article from Metal Construction News.