Off-the-job Fatalities on the Rise Be careful when working around the house and yard.

Be careful when working around the house and yard. Home and community deaths are up an amazing 74%. U.S. workers are actually safer on the job than in their homes or communities. According to the 2011 edition of the National Safety Council Injury Facts:
• Nine out of ten deaths are occurring off the job
• Nearly three-fourths of medically consulted injuries occurred off the job

Falls are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States, accounting for approximately 8.9 million visits to the emergency department annually (NSC Injury Facts 2011).

Adults 55 and older are more prone to becoming victims of falls, and the resulting injuries can diminish the ability to lead active, independent lives. The number of fall deaths among those 65 and older is four times the number of fall deaths among all other age groups.

Click below for a ful copy of the July, 2023 Safety Tidbits and learn more about UV Safety and Vehicle Fatalities.

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