It’s 4/20 Man… How is your company handling the changing legislation of cannabis use and workplace safety?

This is a growing concern with our clients as they search for answers to effectively ensure their employees are not impaired on a daily basis.

Check out how utilizing Impairment Detection Tools like The AlertMeter® can complement your existing drug/alcohol policies and ensure your workers are cognitively alert everyday!

Here are some great starter resources for you;

Is Workplace Impairment Testing Right for Your Company?:

Starter Guide To Legal Cannabis & Workplace Testing:

Cannabis Is Legal…Now Whay? How Triple S Steel Utilizes The AlertMeter®:

To learn more and discuss how we can enhance your existing policies please book a meeting today.

The Predictive Safety Team

Predictive Safety, 951 20th Street, Unit 13467, Denver, Colorado 80020, United States, 1-303-319-3505