I saw this yesterday on Instagram and thought about a few folks immediately. I realized that regardless of what team we pull for on any given Saturday or perhaps even Sunday; we have some common ground on this sign for sure.

S – Sanitize, T – Track Symptoms, O – Observe Distancing, M – Mask up!, P – Plan to stay home when sick

We continue to see cases in our area – we’re not out of the woods yet! We don’t know what quarter we’re in or how much time is left of the clock; we just know we have to make every move – play every play with intensity and passion in an attempt to prevent illness and perhaps even worse.

That’s what we do with safety already! We suit up and execute with intentional perfection each and every time we complete a task. When we’re not perfect we’re setting ourselves up for failure. Sure we might get lucky on occasion, but that’s not how we roll!

Let’s make today an intentional safety day!

Thanks for the share, PT!