We are here for a reason; in fact, probably even several reasons if we’d slow down long enough to count them all. As we burn through this day, week, month, and even year; let’s make certain we pause every so often to self-check. Starting with things like: Am I going in the right direction? Do I have a plan? Is my plan still the best plan for me? Am I helping others? Am I healthy? And the all-important one… Am I happy?

As for safety… The same questions work; are we going in the right direction, do we have a plan, is it the best plan, are we mentoring others, are we healthy, and are we happy with where we are? Let’s make certain we’re checking up and making changes whenever/wherever necessary.

As always, thanks for reading along and for everyone’s continued support of safety. We’re making a difference today!

Thanks for the share, PT!