Back by popular demand we have our Silly People blurbs. Remember, in the absence of safety there are still those “get it done” kind of people in the world and those are the very ones we need to share our knowledge and examples with. Some just won’t think of safety until they’ve had an incident or gotten hurt. We’d all think that people would see this situation as dangerous, but the fact is, some don’t/won’t.

Look at the pic and see if we can figure out the many errors of their way. There are several so don’t stop with the obvious few.

Safety is a learned skill, it’s not the most obvious nor the easiest way to do everything. It takes a lot of recognition, understanding, and actions to remain safe. Let’s commit to the safest possible today we can have; which would be ZERO INJURIES and that’s what we’re about.

Thanks for the share, PT!

safety first