Last night I was reminded once again that our time here on earth is minimal in the grand scheme of eternity. My seemingly healthy neighbor was called home as I prepared my family for bed. Every time this happens (I’m thankful not very often) it brings me to a self-check place. Am I doing all the right things for all the right reasons? Am I living a full life, am I doing enough in addition to what I know is necessary? All important questions to revisit on occasion.

As for safety this morning, it’s a similar self-check. Are we doing everything we can to keep ourselves and each other safe. Are we going the “extra mile” to ensure the safety and well-being our ourselves, our teammates, our families, and our communities?

Let’s celebrate our lives today; let’s self-check to make certain we’re doing all the right things for all the right reasons. Lastly, let’s be safe on purpose – no chances, only choices!

Thanks for the share, PT!