Here in Town, it’s Monday, rainy, dark, a little warm for the season, and the conditions are good for storms. Remaining weather aware is key during times like these; however, remaining “DRIVER AWARE” is even more important to our daily commitment of ZERO INJURIES. Driving, without a doubt, is one of the most – if not the most hazardous thing we do daily. Sure we can control ourselves, but even then we let countless things occupy our hands and minds while we’re doing it. AND THEN – there’s the “other guy” to worry about.

I say all of this for a reason, SAFETY REQUIRES EFFORT; it’s not easy, it’s not automatic, it’s not on the forefront of everyone’s minds, and it doesn’t happen consistently by chance. IT’S A CHOICE WE HAVE TO MAKE AND MAKE AND MAKE AND MAKE AND… I think we get the thought, let’s start making the right ones today and every today hereafter. Happy Monday!

Thanks for reading along and sharing in this journey!

Thanks for the share, PT!