Our families ARE worth it!!  Here’s Owen (my #2 grandson) again reminding us about our “why.” We all help each other learn so we can do for ourselves, but how about we flip that to say “WE DO FOR OURSELVES, SO THAT WE CAN HELP OTHERS LEARN TO STAY SAFE!” We are first, in fact, have you ever noticed the airlines telling us ‘in the event of cabin depressurization four oxygen masks will drop from the compartment above, grab one and extend the tubing fully place the mask on your face and adjust the straps as necessary. People traveling with small children should put yours on first and then help the children.’

The reason for this is that we can’t help effectively if we’re not helping ourselves first. I’m responsible for me first and then for others. Remember, we’re in this together so… My personal perfection leads to the team’s success. It’s blocking and tackling friends – let’s get the basics right and work to be our very best!

One TODAY at a time!

Thanks for the share, PT!