Here are 30 ways to make progress or what we like to call “keep moving.” I saw this on another’s post this weekend and knew I’d have to share it. It’s a great start to our week, even if we only pick 5-10 to start with. If you think about it, these 30 ways also help to build things like TRUST, FAMILY, TEAMWORK, and OPEN COMMUNICATION. I think I’ll write on each one of these individually this week.

As for safety today, we could pick so many; however, let’s look at 7-10. Set goals, make a plan, maintain positive attitude, and have purpose. See how easy that works!? Here is 7-10 in a power statement: Today I will work safe and experience no injuries. I will do this by thinking through any would be tasks BEFORE doing them. I’ll do this for myself, my team, and my family.

What about you? We’re moving safety to a new place and we need 100% participation 100% of the time.

Thanks for the share, PT!