As safety champions, we probably all see the errors in this picture. Lifesaving personal protective equipment (PPE) that people aren’t wearing/using properly. PPE that they had been both instructed and demonstrated approximately 30 minutes before they were called on to use it. It is a shame that “society’s” lack of personal responsibility toward understanding PPE and/or hazards for that matter, created greater risk instead of reducing it as originally planned.  Probably because we think it will never happen to us. What were they doing when the flight attendant said “place the mask over your nose and mouth and breathe normally”? They even demonstrate placing the strap around our head and adjusting the small elastic straps for fit.

Let’s apply this to our personal PPE usage; whether at work or home…

  1. Do we know when to use it?
  2. Do we know what to use?
  3. Do we know why we use it?
  4. Do we know how to properly use and care for it?

It’s our PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to KNOW all of the above questions and more; our very lives could depend upon it. Don’t just do it, because they said so, ask for understanding which leads to knowledge and as we’ve discussed before…KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!

BSOP Friends! (Be Safe On Purpose)

Thanks for the share, PT and JL!