I don’t know about y’all, but I sure love cheerios. It’s true that our perceptions left unchanged or unchallenged become our reality and that’s not always a good thing. What’s the perception(s) like regarding safety on our job sites, at our facilities, and/or in our homes? Those are the ones we need to be careful to check on and recheck on often.

I want ours to be one of AWARENESS and ACCOUNTABILITY! Awareness in the form of leadership commitment through a clear expectation, training/communication, the right tools for the job, and then the “want to/desire” of everyone involved to work safely. The perception or reality of accountability is important as well. Accountability certainly from traditional top down methods, but also for ourselves and from each other.

We work to live and not live to work and to live right we must be whole or like the “hole” it that wonderful hot glazed cheerio shown above. ZERO INJURIES TODAY!

Thanks for the share, PT!