This past Sunday my Pastor was preaching our annual “State of the Church” message when I heard his three points ring strangely close to things we talk about all the time. His points are in bold and italicized below and weren’t necessarily referring to safety, but everyone could imagine what this old safety guy was hearing. Of course I followed his thought process as well and recognized the need for the same in our church, but I wanted to use his words to relate this to our everyday “State of Safety”.

  1. Survey the Need – Recognize the Hazards – pre-planning
  2. Secure the Work – Take action to work safely – get all-together involved.
  3. Suppose Opposition – Get ready for opposition – prepare for challenge and/or change.

Regardless of what we’re referring to, we need to be AWARE, take ACTION, and ready for OPPOSITION or CHANGE.

Thanks for the share, PT!