It’s not about forever, for we have the ability to know where our eternity lies. It’s about TODAY and what we do, who we are, how we act, and our love for each other. Today is the only day we really need to be concerned about.

Our safety performance is the same. We can’t worry about tomorrow; because as it’s been said, TODAY is the TOMORROW we worried about YESTERDAY. So, what that says is TODAY is the only day we are guaranteed and we really don’t know how long it may last. We need to live, laugh, listen, and love each and every TODAY in a way that supports our personal, team, and family safety so that our next TODAY and next TODAY and next TODAY comes until they don’t.

We’re in this together and let’s make sure we’re paying attention to each other’s needs. Thanks to everyone for their support, love and friendship. – Paul

Thanks for the share, PT!