SO TRUE – SO TRUE! If we’d all do one random act of kindness daily…???  How hard is it? It’s pretty hard for some of us let me just say for starters, for some maybe not so much, but for others… YIKES!  The point of this blurb is to challenge all of us to make a more intentional effort to care about each other. What’s going on in our lives, not just the surface things that are easy to read, but the tough things. How are we really doing?

What have we done for another lately? Not for ourselves or for our special folks, but for someone truly in need? That’s why we do safety right? We do safety, because if/when we don’t people die. Our safety efforts could very easily be construed as ACTS OF KINDNESS.

We’re safe because we care – let’s care even more today!

Thanks for the share, PT!