We get serious when we’re talking about our kids and grandkids, don’t we? The truth is, probably a little too serious. I’ve been known for giving the officials a few thoughts of my own through the years and those probably aren’t my proudest moments, but why are we like that? It’s easy really – we want the best for those we care about. We’re willing to make fools of ourselves so that our loved ones have every opportunity to “win”. Looking back, it kind of makes me laugh at how intense some of those competitions were, after all they were just kids and it was just a game. I guess that’s why I found humor in the ballpark sign shown above.

We get serious with our safety too. It’s important that we stand up for what is right and most safe. Let’s make certain to remember our loved ones when it comes to seatbelts, speed limits, distractions, and risk. We must take care of ourselves in order to take care of others.

Happy Friday and as always, thanks for reading.

Thanks for the share PT!