Team –
We can’t just do the same old thing and expect different results! Simply put, we have to do more or different things. I believe we’d all agree that ZERO = ZERO; so that means our goals should start with targeting zero incidents. I know we’ve been talking a lot lately about goals and that’s because we need a safety plan/goal/vision. In fact, it’s been said, where there is no vision people perish. That alone should give us enough reason to take pre-planning, planning, and re-planning very seriously.
we need to realize, accept, and embrace our need to prepare our minds, bodies, and souls for each and every task. Safety is a choice we have to make with every single action. The minute we fail, people get hurt.
Thank you for reading along and sharing in our journey! Today is a perfect day for zero injuries; let’s accept no less.
Thanks for the share PT!