Team –
We are an impatient people at times. We want what we want and we want it now! As safety champions, we don’t always get to see the fruits of our labor; however, that shouldn’t keep us from planting the seeds. Another word for this planting is “investing”. We invest time and training into each other in an attempt to make us (or someone) better; so in turn, we perform better and everyone wins. That success would be considered the fruits of our labor.

Let’s find those teammates, family members, and friends that are ready for planting and invest in them, so that they too might experience the success they so deserve. BE PATIENT, CARING, and remember to FOLLOW-UP. Sometimes the garden needs a little weeding to keep things going and growing as desired.

Thanks to everyone for investing a little time with me. We’re in this together and together we’re growing in the right directions. Today is a great day for planting!

Thanks for the share PT!