We all know good leaders when we see them. In fact, we tend to flock toward them due to many of their characteristics. Encouraging & Empowering are a couple that jump out to me when I pause to think about it. What about you?

Are we good safety leaders? Do we inspire others, have vision, support the cause, live our culture, expect the best, and lead by example? It’s day 154 of 2020 and another good moment for a self-check. I know I’ve been stressed lately with family, all things COVID, and now all the civil unrest. It’s far too easy these days to become overwhelmed which often leads to carelessness. (NOT a good place).

Let’s commit to pausing a minute (60 seconds) to simply reflect upon all the good. I promise if we’ll stop and really think past today’s troubles we’ll come up with some pretty cool stuff and lastly, MAKE ALL THOSE WONDERFUL THOUGHTS OUR “WHY” for today.

I don’t know about everyone, but I feel a little better already. THANKS!

Thanks for the share, PT!