Last night we ordered some dinner and when we finished, we had a little cookie that contained this gem. As you’d image, everyone knew they’d end up seeing it again in a blurb. 😊 I guess I’m growing predicable these days. The lesson is a great one – not really a fortune though. To get going we have to get started, we’ve heard those motivational mottos before. In my career, I have said things like; “goals require action”, and “keep moving”, “go slow”, “one step at a time – just keep stepping”, and plenty others that all are intended to remind us of the same thing that drill sergeant screamed back in basic – “MOVE YOUR ‘BUTT’!!!!” (or something like that)

As for us today, we must be intentional about our safety; it won’t happen by accident and if we just go about safety haphazardly – someone is going to get hurt. That’s NOT acceptable!

Thanks for reading and for everyone’s active participation in personal, team, family, and community safety. – Paul

Thanks for the share, PT!