Team –
Who are we; are we the “loyal friend” or do we have the person(s) that come to mind when we discuss the same? Friends can be defined as a person or persons who share a bond of mutual affection. So I guess that means we have to actually like our friends for it to be true. On a serious note, we’re all friends in that we share a bond of mutual affection with safety. We often talk about “BEING OUR BROTHER’S KEEPER” or being “IN THIS TOGETHER” and with those mottos, goals, or comments; THERE IS ACTION REQUIRED!

The truth is, I know I am counting on you to be watching out for me and you better believe you can count on me to be watching out for you. It’s a mutual commitment/affection and if we’ll multiple that by the number of teammates, contractors, family members, and neighbors we interact with – OUR CIRCLES ARE GREAT!

Let’s start today with a personal commitment to take care of ourselves AND each other.

Thanks for the share PT!