An investigation can quickly become a “fault-finding mission” if we let it. We have to be careful to work past the obvious contributing causes in an attempt to find the true root cause. We often get down to the action and stop there; however the true root cause of most actions can be found in lessened expectations, accepted practices, and/or lower tolerances.

As a safety champion, we have to not only set the bar, but revisit it regularly to make certain we’ve not slipped away from the practice. What do we tolerate? Whether we like it or not, if we deviate, cut corners, leave out a step or a PPE every once in a while, or every now and again – WE BECOME PART OF THE CAUSATION.

We’re starting a new calendar week today, let’s make certain our expectations and practices are still the most safe possible. Let’s accept no less and have the courage to drive change whenever/wherever needed.

Let’s make this our safest week yet and it begins today!

Thanks for the share, PT!