Let’s start today with a fall protection violation. This picture is a share I received from my friend and colleague TH. T’s a long time reader and contributor to these blurbs. Can everyone see the error in the picture shown above? Isn’t it true that our teammates do “not so safe” things if/when left to their own devices? That’s why it’s so critical we educate AND train teammates. The education focusses on the “Whys” where the training usually starts and ends with the “How.” Both are important. Why a teammates needs fall protection, why they need a tie-off point capable of holding 5000 lbs., and why they need to use it 100% of the time – correctly are all part of fall prevention/protection education.

Training and education are both tools of an effective safety program. Let’s make certain we’re giving our teammates all the tools necessary to remain safe.

Today is a great day for perfect safety practices!

Special thanks to T for finding and sharing the pic.

Thanks to PT for the share!