Never quit! We’ve blurbed about that numerous times over the years, but the phrase never gets old. The part we need to remember is found in the first word above – EFFORT! It’s through our effort that we are able to find success and achievement in finishing the race and reaching the goal. Without effort we’d certainly fail in most everything; sure we might get lucky every now and again, but we can’t rely on luck.

That brings me full circle to my main topic – SAFETY!!! We have to make a recurring effort (every task at work or not) for safety. It’s not always the easiest or most glorious way, but it’s necessary to remain injury-free. INJURY-FREE enables us to work harder, earn more, live more, laugh more, and to be perfectly transparent here – THAT’S WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT!

Safety for our self, our families, our friends, our teammates, and our communities. Today is a perfect day for it.

Thanks for the share, PT!