What is “perfect” all about? Perfection is a tough road and when we set out for perfection we have to be ready to fail. Sure that’s not the plan, but let’s make no mistake about the difficulties surrounding that goal. Let’s live along the journey, stopping along the way to “smell the flowers.” Let’s work and live safely so that we can truly enjoy the quality of Life that was intended for us ‘in the beginning.’

Living is what safety is all about. I was talking to a gentleman on Monday that got hurt 22 years ago and is still hurting from it. Unable to work, this guy goes from MD visit to MD visit trying to manage his pain. He said to me, “I wish I could take back the action that caused my injury way back when.” He’s missed out on a lot of living and that’s not what we’re about.

Enjoy today safely!

Thanks for the share, PT!