How fun is this picture? Just some good points of reference for distancing should we need them – not that we can all relate, but they are pretty cool to read through. The effort however is simple – clean, sanitize, and distance. We don’t know how long we’ll be in this crisis, but there are some things we’ve learned that we should plan on continuing. Physical distancing is one of those, coupled with personal hygiene. I can’t remember a time when I’ve washed my hands so thoroughly.

Let’s finish the race! With all this talk of reviving our nation, let’s not forget the poor habits and conditions that brought us here. We can have a positive impact on reducing sicknesses in our homes, workplaces, and communities moving forward. Remember, safety is a little talk and a lot of action.

Thanks for continuing our safety journey – we’re so worth it! Today is Friday and it looks to be an awesome opportunity for greatness – accept nothing less!

Thanks for the share, PT!