What is our chance of exposure surrounding a sneeze or a cough? Very high is we don’t protect ourselves at all.  High if we merely protect our self. Medium if the exposed person covers up and Low if everyone in proximity of each other covers up. That’s exactly what our picture is telling us today.

Four Quick Reminders:

  1. Don’t come to work sick! If any of us have medical illness related symptoms – STAY HOME! Call your supervisor and talk through the situation.
  2. Clean any and everything BEFORE letting our guards down. Equipment, controls, switches, steering wheels, etc.
  3. Don’t touch each other. Sorry, but physical distancing is probably our main control at this point.
  4. If we’re afraid, confused, worried, hopeless, and/or exhausted – talk about it! Share our feelings; there is ALWAYS help!

We’re in this together. By the way, TODAY is a great day for anything and everything safety!

Thanks for the share, PT!