FIVE RULES; how cool is this!?! I saw this picture somewhere on the web over the past few days/weeks and thought it would be a timely talk at some point and like my dad always said, “there’s no better time than the present.” WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER and “THIS” is LIFE. Truth be known, we as a people are stressed and with all the things going on around us, we need each other more than ever and our personal health and well-being depends on it. These FIVE simple things can help get us started. By the way, LOVING OURSELVES, DOING GOOD, HARMING NO ONE, BEING POSITIVE, and FORGIVENESS should not come as a surprise to us; in fact they were WRITTEN AND INSPIRED long before today.

Our safety warrants 100% of our attention and things like stress, depression, and anxiety take away from our abilities to care for ourselves and for each other.

Please be safe today and intentionally keep these simple five alive!

P.S. Thanks for all the comments, calls, and pics of late. I really do appreciate everyone reading along.

Thanks for the share, PT!