My kids principal Sandra gave me this blurb pic yesterday and I really liked it. It immediately reminded me of the negatives associated with worry. Worry leads to distractions and distractions to surprises and surprises to incidents and lastly incidents to injuries. So, to help prevent injuries we should seek to prevent distractions. Seems simple right? If we’re worrying about tomorrow, next week, or even yesterday we’re wasting time and not avoiding distractions to our best ability. Knowing that we have help is this moment – TODAY – is our greatest defense to injury. We’re not alone in our efforts either.

In short, if we’re driving – DRIVE, if we’re working – WORK, if we’re thinking – THINK; likewise, whatever we’re doing – make it and maintain it at a level of focus until it’s safely completed. That’s how we make TODAY an injury-free day.

Thanks for reading and to Sandra for sharing the pic this morning. – Paul

Thanks for the share, PT!