Team –
After I sent yesterday’s blurb on gratitude I heard from quite of few people and quickly realized it would be an excellent topic to stick with for a few days. One response I received was from AB. His response was spot on and I appreciate him allowing me to share it today with the much larger group. In his note he wrote, “I live each day with an attitude of gratitude for a list of things as long as my arm! (which is pretty long, Ha-ha!)”
That’s exactly how it should be! We should be able to list the “things” we’re most thankful for. I promise if we’ll think about it long enough, even the mere thoughts will make us more happy. The truth is that thankfulness creates joy and joy makes everything better – even during tough times!
Let’s share Al’s ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE today and find ways to add joy to all our relationships; oh… and by the way, joy leads to safety too. More on that later…
Please stay well.

Thanks for the share PT!