Musculoskeletal Disorders Cost Employers Billions
Workplace Safety Summit – Watch the Webcast

The Challenge
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are pervasive, affecting nearly one-quarter of the global population, and they are complex. They can include tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, ruptured or herniated discs, and sprains — just to name just a few. They can affect anyone at any age, and they result from workplace tasks that involve actions like repetitive movements, awkward or static postures and forceful exertions.

Every worker deserves to work in an environment where their safety is valued and risks of musculoskeletal disorders are evaluated and minimized. The National Safety Council and Amazon have been working on several key initiatives to prevent these ergonomic injuries. Together, we are inspiring a global movement across all industries that improves workplace safety, reduces MSD risk and improves worker wellbeing.

Thanks to the NSC!