Department of Labor finds 242 violations in June 2023 during inspections at 18 mines in 12 states, many with history of repeated safety, health issues– MSHA News Release Posted: [July 31, 2023]

On June 6, MSHA conducted an impact inspection at Kentucky Fuel Corp.’s WV-3 Surface Mine in Logan County, West Virginia, due to enforcement history and receiving hazardous condition complaints.

MSHA issued 42 violations to the mine operator, including 17 S&S and 3 unwarrantable failure findings, including an unwarrantable failure order for aggravated conduct for failing to maintain effective dust-control measures on a drill.

Drill operators face heightened risk of exposure to respirable crystalline silica, a carcinogen far more toxic than coal dust alone. Exposure to unhealthy levels of silica can lead to debilitating and deadly work-related illnesses such as silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and progressive massive fibrosis. On June 30, 2023, MSHA announced proposed amendments to current federal standards to better protect the nation’s miners from health hazards related to exposure to silica dust, and in June 2022 began a silica enforcement initiative.

MSHA also issued unwarrantable failure orders for safety defects found on haul equipment, including defective emergency steering, damaged tires, significant oil leaks and a defective back-up alarm. Inspectors learned several of these items were recorded and reported to the mine’s management for days on pre-operational examinations.

Historically, accidents involving powered haulage in the mining industry have been a leading cause of fatal workplace injuries. By law, operators must correct these conditions on haul trucks before the equipment is used. MSHA has cited Kentucky Fuel Corp. 13 times in the last two years for similar violations.

At the Superior Silica Sands LLC mine in San Antonio, Texas, MSHA conducted an inspection on June 21 and issued 31 violations, 10 of which were found to be S&S. The citations included violations for the following:

Unsafe electrical equipment and cables, inadequate workplace examinations, exposed moving machine parts, slip, trip and fall hazards, and inadequate training.
Allowing truck drivers to operate vehicles near high-voltage power lines. Three industry workers have suffered fatal injuries in 2023 when their mobile equipment made contact with overhead power lines, leading MSHA to issue electrical safety alerts to raise awareness.

Click here to view the above-information from the US Department of Labor.