Mining Occupational Hazards and How to Mitigate Them

With safety always at the top of the priority list for operations, a refresher on the topic to reinforce its importance can never hurt. Here is a top five list of the most prevalent hazards and five more methods for prevention. By Steven John Cumper- North American Mining Magazine

Mining Occupational Hazards and How to Mitigate Them
With safety always at the top of the priority list for operations, a refresher on the topic to reinforce its importance can never hurt. Here is a top five list of the most prevalent hazards and five more methods for prevention.

In the United States, roughly 230,000 people work in the country’s 11,500 metal and nonmetal mines. Every year, dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries affect these employees.

Although many improvements have been made to protect mining workers, there’s still more room for growth. Below are some of the most common occupation hazards affecting the mining industry, along with tips on mitigating them.

Whether they’re mining coal, gold, or anything in between, miners face specific risks that workers in other industries don’t. Click here to read the full article from North American Mining and learn more about some of the most significant occupational hazards to be aware of: