May 17th has been designated by MSHA as Stand Down to Save Lives. There have already been far too many fatalities in the mining industry this year, many of which could have been prevented with proper training and safety checks. Mine owners and operators are responsible for proper training, adequate personal protective equipment and safe operation of equipment and machinery. MSHA serves as a resource to help keep miners safe and healthy.

Stand Down to Save Lives is an event for mine owners and operators to talk with miners about safety. This can be done by having a toolbox talk or conducting workplace and equipment examinations. It can be as simple as a 15-minute discussion or can include hours of additional training over a few days. In short, Take Time, Save Lives.

You can find more information about Stand Down to Save Lives at, including a downloadable poster and handout, a feedback form to share photos and information about trainings and other events, a social media toolkit, and links to important safety resources.

We encourage you to follow along and do what you can to work with us to keep our mining community safe and healthy.
If you haven’t already, you can now follow MSHA on Twitter AND Facebook!

Miners and mine operators can find safety and health information on

Thanks for the share JL!