MSHA Fatal #6, Georgia, Machinery – May 13, 2019 (Surface Granite)
Preliminary: The victim was operating a Lorain MC 790 crane lifting an approx.. 15-ton block of granite from the pit. The boom of the crane lowered causing the crane to tip over and fall 85 feet into the pit.

MSHA Fatal #7, Nevada, Powered Haulage – May 13, 2019 (Surface Gold)
Preliminary: A Caterpillar 777D haul truck was ascending the haul road.  The truck slowed, stopped, and rolled backwards, over 300 feet, ran up a hill causing it to roll over once and coming to rest upright on its tires.

MSHA Fatal #8, Texas,  Powered Haulage – May 18, 2019 (Surface Sand and Gravel)
No information yet.

Click here for the updated fatal summary (doc).

Click here for the updated fatal summary (PDF).

Thanks for the share, BA!