Be prepared for an emergency situation
May 22, 2015

Disasters can manifest in a variety of ways. Taking preventive measures and planning ahead can help you remain calm in an emergency.

  • Fires: A small fire can become a raging inferno in only a few minutes, the National Safety Council states. To help prevent fires, install smoke alarms on every floor and regularly test them. Ensure workers know how to operate fire extinguishers and what to do in the event of a fire.
  • Mother Nature: Tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes. These are just some of the destructive ways natural disasters can wreak havoc on people. Have an emergency kit prepared with at least 72 hours of food and water supplies. In addition, stay up to date on drills for disasters common to your area.
  • Violence at work: Workers have the right to be safe at their jobs. Create a zero-tolerance policy on workplace violence that covers verbal abuse and physical altercations.
  • Dangerous materials: If you suspect a gas leak or chemical spill has occurred, NSC recommends you E.S.C.A.P.E.:
    • E: Exit the area
    • S: Secure the scene
    • C: Call 911
    • A: Assess the problem
    • P: Pull your building’s fire alarm
    • E: Exit the building

Click here for more information on chemical safety.

Click here for more information on fire safety.

Click here for more information on weather.

Click here for more information on workplace violence.

Thanks for the share, NSC!