Extension Cord Safety Tips
Extension cords can be very helpful in delivering power right where we need it. Regardless of the gauge or rating, an extension cord is a temporary solution and is not meant to be used as a long-term extension of your household’s electrical system. Click here to read more.

Residential Construction – Workplace Safety
Before starting any outdoor project, always look up to make sure you’re aware of any overhead power lines. Whether you’re working on the roof, trimming trees, or cleaning the gutters, make sure you’re a safe distance from any power line and make sure to warn others of their proximity. Click here to read more.

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters
Ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) are available as circuit breakers and receptacles. GFCIs protect against electric shock and are required in areas where water and electricity may come in contact. Click here to read more.

Overhead Power Line Car Crash Safety
Spring marks the beginning of warmer temperatures, but it can also bring heavy rain and severe weather conditions which are difficult to drive in. If you’re ever in an accident that involves a utility pole and a downed power line, always consider the line and vehicle to be live and dangerous. Onlookers should never attempt to get close to the downed power line or attempt to drive over one. Click here to read more.

Thanks for the share, JL!