June 16, 2023 Jonathan Rowland- North American Mining

There are thousands of diesel-powered vehicles in the mining industry. Decarbonizing this existing fleet is a key step in addressing industry’s carbon footprint. Alternative diesels may hold the answer.

Hydrogen and electrification are often talked about in the context of decarbonizing mobility in mining. But both routes require significant investment in new technologies and infrastructure, as well as time to implement. In the meantime, there remain thousands of diesel-burning mining vehicles, many of which may have years of operating life left in the tank.

Low-carbon alternative diesels, such as renewable diesel and biodiesel, offer an immediate solution to this challenge: not only can these fuels be used in existing heavy-duty diesel engines, they also require limited (or no) infrastructure investment. They thus represent an affordable option, available today, to allow mining companies to start reducing emissions. Click here to read the full article on this interesting topic from North American Mining, June, 2023.