Cell Phones in the Workplace: The Health and Safety Pros and Cons

Cell phones are part and parcel of everyday life. It’s hard to imagine that less than 20 years ago, carrying a cell phone was a concept many people did not ever think would apply to the masses, and yet, here we are. Almost all adult Canadians carry cell phones.

Do Cell Phones Impact Health and Safety?

The question of whether or not cell phones have an impact on health and safety has been the subject of discussion since cell phones became more accessible and commonplace in the lives of average Canadians. There are two schools of thought on the issue: some opponents feel that cell phones negatively impact health and safety at the workplace. They argue that cell phones are the source of dangerous distractions, and have an undesirable effect on productivity. Proponents believe that being able to easily make emergency calls, alert others to unsafe conditions, and access information make cell phones a boon for workplace safety. Click here to read the full article on cell phones from OSG.