
Video: Chain of Events

2020-11-19T14:23:12-05:00November 19th, 2020|Cornett's Corner, Videos|

This is an old one sent out years ago, but good to show how innocently something small can turn into something big when we don’t pay attention. Humorous. Click here

  • cell phone hazard

Video: Cell Phone Hazards

2020-11-13T13:24:24-05:00November 13th, 2020|Cornett's Corner, Videos|

Do cell phones pose a hazard in the workplace? In everyday life? Click here to watch the video: Cell Phone Hazards. Thanks for the share, LH (by the way, there

  • Safety Animation NAPO

Video: Driving Distractions

2020-11-06T10:19:13-05:00November 6th, 2020|Cornett's Corner, Videos|

Great stuff and please share! Great for the “driving distracted” talk…. Beeeee-careful…. Please watch it. It only takes on second and look at what could happen. Thanks for the share,

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