Toolbox Talks

Avoid Dog Bites

2018-08-13T13:03:45-04:00August 16th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, National, Toolbox Talks|

Avoid dog bites on the job. December 1, 2011 Photo: molishka1988/iStock/Thinkstock Every day, an average of 10 letter carriers are attacked by a dog, according to the Washington-based National Association

Tool Box Talk: Pinch Points

2018-07-30T11:11:31-04:00July 31st, 2018|Cornett's Corner, Toolbox Talks|

“CAUGHT” -“IN” -“ON”- “BETWEEN” Crush injuries can occur when body parts get caught between two objects or entangled with machinery. These hazards are also referred to as "pinch points." The

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