
  • dream poster

DREAM Poster

2018-05-14T14:27:32-04:00May 14th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, Photos|

Dedication develops our focus, Responsibility empowers us, Education enables us, Attitude supports us, and Motivation energizes us to finish the course. With safety, dreaming is important as well. We often

  • flag


2018-04-30T12:40:43-04:00April 30th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, Photos|

It’s Sunday and for some it’s a day for rest and renewal; for others it might just be another workday this week, but their “Sunday/Restday” is coming as well.  Today,

Exercise Poster

2018-04-27T10:09:15-04:00April 27th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, National, Photos|

It’s important to exercise, but it’s equally important to clear said exercise with your doctor, especially if you’ve not been participating in any formal exercise programs before. Walking and Jogging

  • circus poster

Circus Poster

2018-04-17T08:38:36-04:00April 17th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, Photos|

Sometimes we just have to play the hand we’re dealt. Everything doesn’t always go as planned; so we plan, prepare, and execute only to check up and plan some more.

  • problems poster

Problems? Poster

2018-04-16T08:48:03-04:00April 16th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, Photos|

We all have our own share of problems. That’s right, I don’t think there is a single one of us reading this blurb today without one or maybe even ten

  • yippee!

Yippee! Poster

2018-04-12T08:43:13-04:00April 12th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, National, Photos|

Team – Happy Thursday! Have we ever had a day when we feel good about everything? I bet those days are few and far between for most, but today can

  • hand safety

Hands! Poster

2018-04-06T09:10:04-04:00April 6th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, Photos|

Our Maintenance teammate sent this picture yesterday and I knew it would be a great one to share. We used it a few years back, but the message is certainly

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