Poster: RISK 101
What is risk and why should we work to reduce and/or eliminate it? The answer should be simple; because all of us know that risk will eventually lead to incident
What is risk and why should we work to reduce and/or eliminate it? The answer should be simple; because all of us know that risk will eventually lead to incident
So sorry I lost who sent this to me……
We use hearing protection to make certain we don’t damage our hearing. Using hearing protection and using it correctly is on each of us. Prolonged exposure to noise at levels
Who’s your favorite superhero and why? We probably all have a reason for our choice. Superheroes don’t have to wear capes and fly either; they can be everyday run of
We report things because the information makes us better. Near misses happen all the time; unfortunately most of the time we just check up and keep on trucking. We don’t
We talk about falls pretty often, because it’s easy to find people doing silly things when it comes to them. Craig Keys (Refractory Supervisor) sent me this gem over the
Let’s make certain we’re talking and communicating with all our visitors on-site. We’re big into telling and sharing our safety stories and it’s those stories that make us all a
Our reality is ZERO HARM and to achieve it we need everyone working in the same direction and for the same reasons. Our goal remains zero even though we have
We’re all about the details. We know that knowledge brings power, but actions bring results. We’ve talked about this several times before, in that KNOWING IS NOT ENOUGH. True safety
Today just might be a difficult day. If it is, think of this blurb to help calm us. All “this stuff” is temporary and we need to develop patience to