
The American Coal Miner

2018-12-31T12:13:00-05:00December 31st, 2018|Cornett's Corner, National|

American Coal Miner Public consensus places the American coal miner as an ignorant hillbilly who is out of touch with the modern world. But that is not so. The coal

  • combustible dust guidelines

Combustible Dust Guidelines

2018-11-13T09:56:32-05:00November 13th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, National, Safety News|

Combustible Dust Guidelines Click here to learn in more detail about combustible dust like introduction, objectives, why dust explode, effect of dust explosion, prevention of dust explosion, substitution, engineering control,

Ergonomics Guidelines

2018-11-08T09:41:45-05:00November 8th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, National|

Ergonomics Guidelines Click here to learn in more detail about ergonomics guidelines like definition, example of muscular skeletal disorder, stages of MSD injury, MSD risk factors, MSD hazard control methods,

Avoid Toluene Exposure

2018-10-25T10:24:12-04:00October 25th, 2018|Cornett's Corner, National, Safety News|

Avoid Toluene Exposure August 27, 2017 Image: arenacreative/iStockphoto Toluene – often used in paint, metal cleaners and adhesives – is a clear, colorless liquid that vaporizes when exposed to air

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