Today’s Quote
Go the Extra Mile, It's Never Crowed. Thanks, RW
Go the Extra Mile, It's Never Crowed. Thanks, RW
"I would rather be surrounded by smart people than have a huge budget. Smart people will get you there faster." - former McKinsey associate as quoted in The McKinsey Way by
“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” – Randy Pausch
“Leaders manage the dream. All leaders have the capacity to create a compelling vision, one that takes people to a new place, and then to translate that vision into reality.”
“Knowing that we can make a difference in this world is a great motivator. How can we know this and not be involved?” – Susan Jeffers
Friends, So whether it’s the month, an event, the year, or a huge disappointment, “Every Ending Has A New Beginning”. TODAY is a new day and a day for excellence
Friends, Today is day 300– Can you believe it!?!? Life is truly operating these days in the fast lane. It’s our job to ensure we’re making it the very best
“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle Thanks, JS
"Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have—and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up." - James Belasco and Ralph Stayer
"A man can learn a lot if he listens, and if I didn't learn anything else I was learning how much I didn't know." - Louis L'Amour, “The Daybreakers” Thanks