Thanksgiving Week Reminder
Thanksgiving Week Reminder Friends, Someone sent this to me the other day and I thought it would be a great pic to start the week of Thanksgiving. Hopefully, you’ll agree.
Thanksgiving Week Reminder Friends, Someone sent this to me the other day and I thought it would be a great pic to start the week of Thanksgiving. Hopefully, you’ll agree.
"Do all things with love." ~ Og Mandino
TOOL BOX TALK TUESDAY: “MOLE HILLS TO MOUNTAINS” “Don’t make mountains out of mole hills”. Good advice and how many of us knew that we could actually control the outcome?
Friends, Let’s kick off the work week with the acknowledgement that our struggles, trials, and negative situations are temporary. Let’s agree to be thankful for the lessons we learn
"If I could define enlightenment briefly I would say it is 'the quiet acceptance of what is'." ~ Wayne Dyer
Click here to see this week's full Safety Tidbits document containing important health information on lung cancer. How I Live My Life, By Sir Richard Branson Have Faith in Yourself Think
Thanksgiving Safety: American Red Cross When cooking a turkey or other items in the oven, stay in your home and check on it regularly. Keep an eye on what you
Pole Dancing Bear Many have passed this along, enjoy spring in the Rockies, but Harlan County Kentucky is home to the Black Bear as well and as they get more
Canada’s Nova Scotia miners call for better control of radon exposure by: Cecilia Jamasmie Radon is a naturally-occurring gas produced by radioactive decay of uranium. (Image from archives.) The body
Safety and Health Talks: Work Station Checklist Many employees are at their computers all day. Even if you're only on the computer for a few hours to enter data, you